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TFAM X-Site 2017

Mist Encounter


12   /   25   /   2016

Mist Encounter


Mist Encounter discusses the relationship between art and architecture, human and the environment, and also between the constant and the transient.

It is where people would encounter mist, and where people would encounter others in the mist.


Taipei Fine Art Museum will soon undertake refurbishment work for its environmental control system. For x-site 2017, Mist Encounter embodies the spirit of impermanence and transformation to its dynamic ambient environment.


The use of falsework has transformed into the envelopes of mist- where the constantly changing states of mist reconstruct and redefine the spaces by blurring the boundary with the meshes.

Mist Encounter is a constantly changing pavilion: ambient temperature and the wind affects air flow and the spraying mist; the movement of visitors changes the appearance of mist- making it a work that is always 'in progress'.















環境溫度、天候影響霧氣流動聚集的姿態,人行走、穿梭、體驗而改變水霧,形塑供霧所持續變動的樣貌 - in progress。

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