Hakka Alchemy

2023世界客家博覽會 新竹市展區 2023 Hakka Expo- Taiwan Route3: Hsinchu City
The curatorial team selected the theme "Hakka Alchemy" for the exhibition, tracing the journey of Hakka people in Hsinchu City and their adaptation to urban development. The exhibition space resembles a black factory, with visitors entering through dimly lit corridors that depict the story of the Hakka village near the train station. Here, Hakka workers played a vital role in connecting the western mainline railway network. Next, the second exhibition area is created by Peppercorns Interactive Media Art, visitors can engage with light and shadow sensors and experience Hakka involvement in evolving urban industries, from the fiery transformation process to bright technological patterns.
The exhibition concludes at an old Hakka village, where grassroots community organizations resisted the planned development by the Taiwan High-Speed Rail Corporation. They preserved a 300-year-old tree in the path of a high-speed rail, traveling at 300 kilometers per hour. Visitors can then appreciate diverse and innovative contemporary Hakka initiatives in Hsinchu City beneath the shade of the old tree on the exhibition grounds.

主辦單位| 新竹市政府 Hsinchu City Government
執行單位| 台灣設計研究院 TDRI
策展人 | 曾令理 Ling-Li Tseng
策展規劃| 偶然設計 Serendipity Studio
田野調查| 曾令理 Ling-Li Tseng、偶然設計 Serendipity Studio
採集協力| 見域 Citilens
互動體驗| 黑川互動媒體藝術 Peppercorns Interactive Media Art
動態攝影| 黑鳥音像 BlackBird Imagine Studio
平面攝影| 黑鳥音像 BlackBird Imagine Studio、李易暹 Yi-Hsien Lee
國立陽明交通大學,見域 Citilens,金山面文史工作室 吳慶杰、南隘國小 賴黃宗、連威棣、鴻梅文創志業股份有限公司 陳添順、黃子軒、中央研究院人社中心GIS專題中心、金淼寫真舘、孢子蒝工作室、海瑞摃丸.、國史館臺灣文獻館、國立臺灣圖書館、臺灣纖碧爾酒業股份有限公司