Hakka Infinite Poetics

2023世界客家博覽會 桃園市展區 2023 Hakka Expo- Taiwan Route3: Taoyuan City
In the past, Taoyuan City grappled with water scarcity due to river diversions, leading Hakka ancestors to ingeniously establish settlements using ponds, effectively circumventing environmental limitations. Today, Taoyuan has transformed into a prominent center for Hakka knowledge-based economy. The exhibition, named "Hakka Infinite Poetics," interconnects hydrology, from ponds to the sea, with Hakka literature, symbolizing the perpetual water cycle. It seamlessly integrates and defines Taoyuan's Hakka culture across various aspects of life, socio-cultural elements, and literary concepts.
Upon entering, a large authentic water pool recreates the pond landscape, inviting visitors to engage in a game via their smartphones, drawing personalized Taoyuan poems, projecting distinctive Hakka cultural patterns onto the water's surface. The exhibition's design, inspired by director Chi Po-lin's portrayal of Taoyuan's landscape as "scattered crystals," echoes the region's numerous ponds with organic, scattered display tables that showcase Taoyuan's Hakka literature and hydrological beliefs. Additionally, five contemporary poets from the Taoyuan Hakka Poetry Society were invited to contribute, ensuring the continuous preservation of Taoyuan's vibrant Hakka heritage.

主辦單位 | 桃園市政府客家事務局 Department of Hakka Affairs, Taoyuan
執行單位 | 台灣設計研究院 TDRI
策展人 | 曾令理 Ling- Li Tseng
策展規劃 | 偶然設計 Serendipity Studio
田野調查| 曾令理 Ling-Li Tseng、偶然設計 Serendipity Studio
互動體驗 | 黑川互動媒體藝術 Peppercorns Interactive Media Art
指導顧問 | 石柏岡 Po- Kang Shih、台客文化協會 Hoglohag Cultural Association、巫秀淇 Hsiu- Chi Wu、姜義溎 Yi- Gui Jiang、桃園石滬協會 Taoyuan Stone Tidal Weirs Association、黃志杰 Zhi- Jie Huang
動態攝影 | 黑鳥音像 BlackBird Imagine Studio
平面攝影 | 黑鳥音像 BlackBird Imagine Studio、 李易暹 Yi-Hsien Lee
特別感謝 |
國立陽明交通大學、大北坑休閒農業區、中央研究院人社中心GIS專題中心、桃園市政府中壢區公所、台灣美廟故事 陳建學、台灣鍾肇政文學推廣協會、江昀、行政院農田水利署桃園管理處、吳杏村、利玉芳、桃園市政府水務局、桃園市立圖書館、桃園市立美術館-橫山書法藝術館、財團法人世聯倉運文教基金會、國立台灣文學館、張捷明、黃碧清、廖聖芳、劉正偉、頭重溪三元宮、鍾林英、鐘永和